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male Gary, IN, United States
I'm just your average divorced middle aged American male who likes to post articles on how to get your ex back.
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Wives And Relationships-Defined Differences Over Generations ow.ly/1k4C3D
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Creating Intimacy Can Be The Answer To Save Your Marriage - When your marriage hits rocky waters you must firmly bel... ow.ly/1k3s4D
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Find The Time To Dedicate To Your Marriage - Today we are faced with so many things coming at us from so many direct... ow.ly/1jZout
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Marriage Test-Proof Your Mate Is Cheating - If you think that your husband is cheating on you, you can use a marriag... ow.ly/1jVsLp
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Why Are Older Men Dating Younger Women - Older men dating younger women are becoming a more popular phenomenon, espe... ow.ly/1jEE02
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Marriage Seminars-Find The Answers You Might Be Looking For - If your relationship needs work and you have a lot of ... ow.ly/1jnIhu
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Marriage Restoration - A lot of marriages suffer problems for a variety of reasons. However the most common problems... ow.ly/1jg4rf
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
Relationships That Crash And Burn - If you find that all the relationships you have had tend to crash and burn, you ... ow.ly/1jdXM3
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
How to get my boyfriend back - www.getmyloverback.info Dr. Max Cash gives you a few ideas on what you can do to save... ow.ly/1ig5ei
ScottJacobsen15 says
12 years ago
I Miss My Ex - How frequently do you hear folks saying I miss my ex?  Almost certainly a great deal and the unhappy ow.ly/1ifWbI