39Friends 26Fans
male Clayton, NC, United States
ScottSchulz thinks
16 years ago
Lino would be a good one to share a pizza with
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago 5
wondering if the nylon twine I found is the same as gregwillits was using in the video... seems awful likely to unravel
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago 1
watching stupid TV
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago 4
buying my last tank of under $4 gas
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago
on the hunt for #36 nylon twine
ScottSchulz thinks
16 years ago
it is time for some food
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago 1
wading through a post-holiday Monday morning
ScottSchulz is
16 years ago
listening to RA podcast while enroute to office
ScottSchulz has
16 years ago
finished watching Fr Corapi... now time for Mystery
ScottSchulz asks
16 years ago
why CentOS 5.2 still has such on old version of MySQL...