[Event 2] does not exactly what to do.. He feels 'jobless' right now..
looked at his reflection in the mirror. His eyebrows looks 'attractive' to him and he wondered how does his eyebrows could turn out like_
learning hard to swim, he still can't manage to float on the water,
celebrating Christmas with the poor.
wondering what kind of cake he need to bake for the Christmas party.
[Event 1] sighed as he looked down, looking a bit scared everyone does looks small. He knew that his job as an acrobat wasn't very_
begin decorating his house with Christmas decoration. He can't wait for Christmas as well as the snow~
/Seychelles/Spain ((I'm going to be hiatus until the 6th.. Final Exam are coming T_T Wish me the best for the exam~))
Latvia a happy birthday, "Happy birthday, Latvia, wishes you the best this year and so on." He has a gift for him too!
[Event 1] decided to sneak into the meeting and decided to hear what they are trying to discuss. He is a country as well, and he_