18Friends 144Fans
female Elsewhere, IL, United States
Likes Harry Potter, books, Doctor Who, Merlin, the internet, photography, Monty Python
Slagathor says
10 years ago
so anxious don't want to sleep
Slagathor says
10 years ago
Went to the adult store again...can't be tamed
Slagathor is
10 years ago
Really tempted by the DVD of Colin Morgan's performance in The Tempest but it's hella expensive :c
Slagathor says
10 years ago
Slagathor says
10 years ago
ahahaha panic attack I am not safe in my own fucking house someone get me out of here
Slagathor says
10 years ago
Pretty sure the son of a family friend thinks I'm hot. Too bad he's like 14
Slagathor says
10 years ago
warm lappy is nice for cramps aw yis
Slagathor says
10 years ago
It's been a long 13 years, but it's over now. Graduated and done with high school. Here I come, Indiana!
Slagathor says
10 years ago
Spent the afternoon making cupcakes for graduation. Promptly dropped about half of them on the floor. Fuck my life (angry)
Slagathor says
10 years ago
Local theater doesn't have TFIOS tickets yet???? THis is an outrage