Sophie ☆
53Friends 107Fans
female Great Britain (UK)
Hello, I'm Sophie.

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Sophie ☆
15 years ago 2
Long time no speak plurk ;-)
Sophie ☆
15 years ago
ohai plurk. Long time no speak :-)
Sophie ☆
15 years ago 1
Hello plurk, long time no speak!
Sophie ☆
15 years ago
It's a new day, which means you can click "Click to help Sophie win!" at again, to help me win! Thank you :-)
Sophie ☆
15 years ago
It's a new day! Meaning you can click for me again, I'm almost on the top 10. Thank you <3
Sophie ☆
15 years ago 5
Please help me win. Go to click "Click to help Sophie win!" Thanks
Sophie ☆
15 years ago
Go to click "Click to help Sophie win!" Thanks
Sophie ☆
15 years ago 7
bye plurk. Sorry, I've just lost interest.
Sophie ☆
15 years ago 1
by any chance ... does anyone have an old ipod shuffle they would like to give me :-)
Sophie ☆
15 years ago 2
This coding is going my head in ><