159Friends 4Fans
female Houston, TX, United States
I'm a self-taught crocheter, knitter and spinner. Other interests: reading, audiobooks (esp. horror and fantasy), learning about wine, podcasts, gaming online and table-top, Big Bang, The Office, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, Walking Dead...
StitchinOutLoud says
10 years ago 5
celticlucas Hiiii!!!
StitchinOutLoud says
10 years ago 4
WOW!!! Plurk didn't boot me for being away so long!! NICE!!! Hello again all!!! :-)
StitchinOutLoud asks
10 years ago
Does anyone know when is the official international yarn bombing day is this year?
StitchinOutLoud says
11 years ago 3
Grrrrrr!!! I love going to my crochet group meeting but it really sucks when that one person who is a know it all shows up. I hate people who feel they have to be story-topper & has to correct everyone.
StitchinOutLoud says
11 years ago
Does anyone know if there's a way to link to two different ravelers on your project pages?
StitchinOutLoud says
11 years ago 3
DAMN!!! Rushed home for the Kirby Wirby update only to find out it's tomorrow!!!
StitchinOutLoud says
11 years ago 4
HOLY CANNOLI!! Everyone is becoming dyers!! I'm gonna be sooooo broke all the time!!
StitchinOutLoud says
11 years ago 4
Anyone know of a reliable online apothecary?
StitchinOutLoud says
11 years ago 5
Hi all!!
StitchinOutLoud says
11 years ago 2
FINALLY got my butt on over to instagram!! :-P