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London, Great Britain (UK)
StoryVault is a chance to preserve the remarkable memories of friends and families so that future generations can enjoy them and learn from them.
Dan Snow introduces StoryVault to the world!
StoryVault says
12 years ago
Maureen's wartime memories - bombs over Bow, lost ration books & how air raid shelters were exciting to a small child
StoryVault says
12 years ago
More from Muhammed on the 1991 Somalian civil war, & how other people imposed tribal definitions on his family
StoryVault says
12 years ago
Raymond was in Germany in the '30s- he talks on the rise of Hitler & the German war machine as it looked to a child.
StoryVault says
12 years ago
Violet's account of a WW2 childhood including her Grandad on the door-step in air-raids swearing at the German planes!
StoryVault says
12 years ago
This is a very nice idea - history pin are making a collection of old photos of grandparents -
StoryVault says
12 years ago
Playwright Peter Whelan on Cold War Berlin "like a gargantuan childs game, an awful one, in which the bullets were real"
StoryVault says
12 years ago
If you have a story to tell & a computer with a webcam, just click the 'record me now' link & off you go!
StoryVault says
12 years ago
Thomas reminisces on life in Montserrat in his childhood in the 20s and 30s, and his subsequent career as a sailor.
StoryVault says
12 years ago
Have you read about the spitfires in Burma? Here's some background from an RAF engineer stationed in the Far
StoryVault says
12 years ago
On being Matron in a Madras hospital and a champion racehorse jockey - what a wonderful combination!