7Friends 8Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
In Second Life I am a DJ, a Host, a Teacher, a Poet and a Story Teller. I am married to the most beautiful woman in SL, Cataplexia Numbers
In RL I do the eight hour a day thingy to make ends meet; computer systems engineer, teacher and writer.
TaliesinCeawlin is
15 years ago
updating his profile
TaliesinCeawlin feels
15 years ago
happier than he has ever felt in his life before
TaliesinCeawlin hopes
15 years ago
he will be DJing in real
TaliesinCeawlin is
15 years ago
exploring life in a new relationship
TaliesinCeawlin has
15 years ago
been gone
TaliesinCeawlin loves
15 years ago 2
our brand new SL House
TaliesinCeawlin loves
15 years ago
Cataplexia Numbers
TaliesinCeawlin says
15 years ago
Thanks to all my fans - you are all great!
TaliesinCeawlin has
15 years ago
great plurky friends
TaliesinCeawlin is
15 years ago
Coolen and chillen SL Style