7Friends 8Fans
male Portland, OR, United States
In Second Life I am a DJ, a Host, a Teacher, a Poet and a Story Teller. I am married to the most beautiful woman in SL, Cataplexia Numbers
In RL I do the eight hour a day thingy to make ends meet; computer systems engineer, teacher and writer.
TaliesinCeawlin is
16 years ago
amazed at the time
TaliesinCeawlin is
16 years ago 1
waving hi to his fans :-D
TaliesinCeawlin says
16 years ago
aloha lissyschey
TaliesinCeawlin is
16 years ago
waving hello to GoSpeed Racer, his new plurky friend :-)
TaliesinCeawlin says
16 years ago
sweet dreams my plurky friends
TaliesinCeawlin hopes
16 years ago
to dream sweet dreams
TaliesinCeawlin hopes
16 years ago
all his plurky friends have a great rest when they sleep, and may their dreams be happy ones
TaliesinCeawlin is
16 years ago 2
too tired to plurk :-(
TaliesinCeawlin hopes
16 years ago
ParkerJ will plurk me
TaliesinCeawlin is
16 years ago
loseing track of time with this new shift **eeekkkk**