19Friends 4Fans
female Vernal, UT, United States
I am a 5th grade teacher.
TammyChristensen wishes
13 years ago
that I would have not missed an important meeting. I thought it started at 6 and it really started at 4. I drove 3 hours to get there. :-(
TammyChristensen likes
13 years ago
hanging out with her kids. My son is home from college for a few days and has been great to see him. :-D
TammyChristensen likes
13 years ago
hanging out with my kids. my son is home from college and has been a great weekend. :-D
TammyChristensen needs
13 years ago
any ideas on an Expository – Write An Essay Answer for 5th grade.
TammyChristensen says
13 years ago 2
Just finished making a smartboard activities for Pi day on Monday. (woot)