God, it's been almost a year since I touched this account...and it looks like no one ever gets on here, anymore. ^^; I remember how much time I used to spend with you guys...hours and hours, every day.
[OOC] Well...I don't really quite know how to say this, but...I'm sorry to say that, with both of my accounts, I'll be leaving this role-
a killer headache right now. Argh, why won't the bloody world stop spinning...
why it's so bloody difficult to get any sleep around here.
starting to get rather bored...it's not that he isn't busy, but it's tiring doing the same thing day after day.
out of tea, and all the stores are closed. This is not acceptable.
feeling considerably better this morning. Perhaps the nine hour 'nap' he took was a considerably large boost.
why it feels like that tension is starting to build up again. Perhaps he's just paranoid, as he hasn't been on vacation like this in a while
now completely fed up with this 'work' business. He's taking the week off-anyone who decides to simply pester him will receive the wrath of
if Matthew would ahem like to come over and do anything special for Valentine's Day...