Thanks to all who prayed for me yesterday. I am still waiting to hear how I did at the client contact. Pls keep me in your prayers.
Off 2 meet with a new potential client! pray4 me pls! Pray my will & God's will r the same. Want his more than mine!
God demands more than liip service. He wants to know that we will always choose him, but unfortunately we do not always make the r
I try to be a good example for my people, but nothhing beats the faith earned by living for King Jesus by your own hard won testim
Thank you Lord for waking me up in my right mind. Thank you for letting me keep what mind I have left! Thank you for the Use of my
I use to be hellbent on being somebody in this world. Now I just want God to use me as a servant! How thing change. LOL
Howdy! Fam. I was having network issues 4 a while, but tks to King Jesus everything worked out. He is able.
If the Lord were looking for you this morning, would he find you in a place that allowsus you to put him first!
I may not know much, but I do know how to stand while being strong and Courageous for King Jesus! Who will stand with me?
What do u do when u have done all u Can? U just stand in the Faithfulness of King Jesus! How r u standing 2day?