5Friends 1Fans
male Tulsa, OK, United States
Grab his candy corn, Halloween soul.
PetrichorStorm is
4 years ago
reminded this place exists.
PetrichorStorm is
12 years ago
DJ'ing tonight at Reignbeaus. 10pm - Midnight. Theme: 1920's. L$500 split on the board.
PetrichorStorm is
12 years ago 1
DJ'ing tonight at Reignbeau's 10-Midnight. Country Hoedown, so get those cowboy hats and come get Brokeback with us.
PetrichorStorm is
12 years ago 3
about to start his set at Reignbeau's Star Trek/Gate/Wars themed party. 3-5pm. Come get your geek on.
12 years ago
My ewok dog just grabbed a roll of paper towels and ran away with them streaming behind him. Off to fight the empire with his papersaber.
PetrichorStorm is
12 years ago 3
having Reese's Pieces for breakfast. Take that, mom!
PetrichorStorm is
12 years ago
amazed at the myriad of ways he can get around being productive.