4Friends 31Fans
male Los Angeles, CA, United States
Hello. I'm here to keep in touch with my cousins. I enjoy stuff.
TheShalom says
16 years ago 4
looks like nobody is using this anymore.
TheShalom feels
16 years ago
like gravy might start coming out of his eyes.
TheShalom is
16 years ago
preparing for a long day of cooking and eating too much.
TheShalom says
16 years ago
it's my birthday!
TheShalom says
16 years ago
Los Angeles is on fire. Literally. We're on fire.
16 years ago
ate too much chicken.
TheShalom wishes
16 years ago
the weekend was longer.
TheShalom is
16 years ago 5
so proud to be an American right now (for the first time in a long time).
TheShalom has
16 years ago 1
voted. Now it's time to watch the results for the next few hours.
TheShalom has
16 years ago
a horrible headache.