7Friends 4Fans
male Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Matthew Sorg, The Silent Ninja, currently resides in Pittsburgh, PA. He attends the Art Institute of Pittsburgh for Game Art Design and works at Wendy's. In his free time he likes to play video games and draw.
TheSilentNinja is
15 years ago 1
contemplating getting rid of his plurk account since he never uses it.
TheSilentNinja thinks
15 years ago
he should try to plurk more
TheSilentNinja is
16 years ago
at Podcamp, hanging out in the mentors lounge
TheSilentNinja is
16 years ago 1
at Con on the Cob, watching the Deface Booth.
TheSilentNinja has
16 years ago 1
his 2d animation final now online at Thou must click on download to view the animation.
TheSilentNinja hates
16 years ago 1
that everything he installs in vista wants to install twice because vista thinks it wasn't installed correctly the first time.
TheSilentNinja is
16 years ago 1
having himself some Americone Dream.
TheSilentNinja is
16 years ago
about to watch Halloween that came out last year. Think I'm watching it a month too early.
16 years ago 2
just found out he is now an administrator for the IWC Facebook page.
16 years ago 3
just learned plurk is run by a bunch of cartoon animals.