太久沒來了.....雖然處於壓力很大的工作環境中...可以很開心! 哈哈 我熱愛挑戰
耶~開始apply研究助理的緊張日子了!!超開心的,面對這種不確定感真的有莫名的爽朗~當然也是明天晚上可以去抬神轎了!!!!!!! 哈哈哈哈
Everything has its own value, but there is no necessary to put everything undervalued. WoW, what a dimorphic life way.
Nothing is life, but life must not be nothing. We get what we had paid, and we pay what we had got.
Upgrade to the second lieutenant from fresh recruit!!!
總算要收假了orz...放了六天假有點搞不清楚自己是軍人還是學生了...幸好還是看了一些東西 呼