13Friends 3Fans
male San Fernando, Philippines
Musician, Writer, Aspiring Culinarian(errrrrrrrr... it's not as easy as i thought it would be...) I AM THE BEE'S KNEES... :-D
Cumyumyum says
14 years ago
we smoke and we float in the air of love... :-)
Cumyumyum loves
14 years ago
Cumyumyum says
14 years ago
WB to plurk... (annoyed)
Cumyumyum hates
14 years ago
it when i see this one girl at school... then POOF! I go into this trance of hatred... mehhhhh... (annoyed)
Cumyumyum thinks
14 years ago
talkin to u is like talkin to a wall... i speak a few words and i end up lookin stupid... and im sick of it... >_<
Cumyumyum says
14 years ago
in continuation to what i was sayin... LOL... what more if ya talk to them straight up front? Be careful then, yer balls might drop off..
Cumyumyum says
14 years ago
talkin shit behind people's backs just proves that you don't have balls... what more then if you were to talk to them straight?
Cumyumyum says
14 years ago
are you what your really are?
Cumyumyum says
14 years ago
seventeen and nature's queen... you know what i mean?
Cumyumyum says
14 years ago 4
tatawanan nyo ba ang isang payaso?