4Friends 5Fans
male Kamuning, Philippines
Tomaxito feels
16 years ago
sad and still cries every night...
Tomaxito feels
16 years ago
refreshed after being back from the long vacation in Bohol and Cebu.
Tomaxito feels
16 years ago
bored right now. But he has lot of things to do tomorrow.
16 years ago
repaired the office printer & solved another Excel problem for the Nth time. Did I make a mistake of taking up Business instead of an IT?
Tomaxito is
16 years ago
starting to get his life back.
Tomaxito wishes
16 years ago
that someone would treat him for a delicous dinner! (LOL)
Tomaxito has
16 years ago
a lot of meetings to attend and is tired. :'-(
Tomaxito is
16 years ago
saying hello to the Plurk world! :-)