47Friends 39Fans
male Earleton, FL, United States
I'm the host of a podcast called Trapped on Vacation. Beer. Theme Parks. Sarcasm. Fun. and Beer!
12 years ago 19
I'm not a "train nerd" but I'm addicted to Trainz Driver on my Nexus 7. It's like having a model railroad in your lap.
Trapped says
12 years ago 10
Ipad users, my mom has a deleted email stuck on her screen and i can't figure out how to delete it. Messages pull up for a sec then the
Trapped shares
12 years ago 22
Bill Nye FTW!
12 years ago 10
I installed Lion on my iMac. Late, I know but I'm on Snow Leopard at work too. The login window is tripping me out!
Trapped says
12 years ago 4
Gus just licked my eye right after licking Fonzie's junk... that makes me cockeyed. Eww...
Trapped says
12 years ago 4
Today is leader "picture day" whuch means that any non-Executive Leader in the building is coming to our photography studio to get their
Trapped shares
12 years ago 10
Trapped says
12 years ago 10
I have a nexus 7!!!!!!!!!! (code)
Trapped says
12 years ago 3
Just found out that Diablo 3 now has cash for gold. I heard a rumor that Toast is retiring his healer and becoming a sign spinner. :-)
Trapped says
12 years ago 11
All os my electronic devices sre named after H2G2 characters. My powerbook Eddie, ipod nano Zarniwoop, iPod Touch - The Guide,...