It really felt like winter today. At the coldest, it was 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Noooo. And there are still leaves on the trees too.
Ok. So Christmas shopping officially starts. How do you decide what to give as gifts? What's an acceptable work gift?
Happy Wednesday! It was a half day. I still got a lot done. I connected a printer in my office for check printing. It's nice to have a personal printer at work.
I got through most of the invoice stack. Tomorrow I will go into the office and add more invoices. Check printing is next week.
It's a busy week. Sales is busy. Accounting is busy too. I got a stack of invoices dumped on me this afternoon. I have to finish entering it tomorrow. Just terrible.
Brrr a cold Saturday, the sky was dark and gloomy. On the bright side, my office has more light switches. Before, the lights would go off after 5 minutes of no movement. It was annoying. lol
Happy Friday! It was another day of surprises at work.