Vic Lenoirre
142Friends 66Fans
female Somewhere, NH, United States
Animator, photographer, blogger, writer and a friend. I love to create, learn and discuss ideas. Enjoy life, you know I'll try.
site: Variposa
flickr: Victoria Lenoirre, Variposa creator, poser & pho...
Vic Lenoirre
1 weeks ago
I like watching nature videos. Animals are amazing!Wild Animal Surprised Photographers in An Unexpected...
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago 4
It really felt like winter today. At the coldest, it was 39 degrees Fahrenheit. Noooo. And there are still leaves on the trees too.
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago 9
Ok. So Christmas shopping officially starts. How do you decide what to give as gifts? What's an acceptable work gift?
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago 2
Happy Thanksgiving!
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago 1
Happy Wednesday! It was a half day. I still got a lot done. I connected a printer in my office for check printing. It's nice to have a personal printer at work.
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago 1
I got through most of the invoice stack. Tomorrow I will go into the office and add more invoices. Check printing is next week.
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago 7
It's a busy week. Sales is busy. Accounting is busy too. I got a stack of invoices dumped on me this afternoon. I have to finish entering it tomorrow. Just terrible.
Vic Lenoirre
2 weeks ago 3
Happy Sunday night!
Vic Lenoirre
3 weeks ago 7
Brrr a cold Saturday, the sky was dark and gloomy. On the bright side, my office has more light switches. Before, the lights would go off after 5 minutes of no movement. It was annoying. lol
Vic Lenoirre
3 weeks ago 5
Happy Friday! It was another day of surprises at work.