hates 4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
today! And hates being so unproductive due to things that are beyond my control! 😤😤😤
feels 4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
glad that I have finally found my place where I can say things that I couldn't say in other social media platforms. Let's just hope my fellow plurkers would never revisit their plurk accounts ever again. Hahahaha 🤣🤣
people to always be kind. Our lot don't really talk about our struggles and how we deal with this kind of feelings because we deemed ourselves as a failure and that we feel nobody will truly understand. So, please always be kind. 🙂
although the news are always the same (you know, someone you know is pregnant bla bla bla), how it makes us feel is always different. The feeling is almost always not the same. I think this is also one of the things that immediate mothers, or anyone insensitive for that matter, may not be able to comprehend.
and then you have to convince yourself of the concept of rezeki, and to be positive that one day it will be your turn. And this is done over and over again whenever you feel sad when someone you know is pregnant, especially when they get pregnant almost immediately. You would think that we're used to it, but nooo.
feels 4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
a bit sad. What people don't understand when we hear pregnancy news is how much we want it for ourselves as well, and yet we have to be happy for other people but also in the inside, feeling as down as ever and wondering when will it be our turn. 🙁
hates 4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
proud people. Just because you were always the one who does most of the work, doesn't mean yg lain inda dapat diharap. And then mana lagi kan brag about it on social media. Urghh 😒
malas me ah orang yg cematu atu. Kraja yg nda sampai sejam pun inda dapat dibuat. Maigad!
all I wanna do is drink lots and lots of any cold drinks! Dehydrated kali.