19Friends 1Fans
West Coast, BC, Canada
Yazoo - zookeeper

Sora - key2myheart

Always up for RPG talk.

Find me on Discord: WastedInk#4158
5 months ago 25
One day off. TDMs to attack suggestions?
5 months ago
6 days left and counting.

And my boss of 18 fucking years has decided that he CAN NOT be bothered to show up to close down his own fucking business on the last day.

There is no moral left from anyone here because there’s no support at all from the person in charge. I am officially all out of fucks to give. OFFICIALLY!
5 months ago 14
11 days until I’m officially done at my current job. I should probably get my EI application in and plan for the very overdue staycation I owe myself while figuring out what I’m going to do for a new job. Something wfh that lets me keep night dweller hours would be great. Totally over this whole daylight thing
5 months ago 14
So last night, the campaign I’ve been in for far too long unexpectedly wrapped up on us. No one at the table realized it was coming except the DM as we all thought there was at least two sessions left. It was very anti-climactic and has left the players feeling lukewarm at best about the whole thing.

Sad trumpet sounds all around.
5 months ago 3 @Edit 5 months ago
Inappropriately labelled because I do this shit for my own sanity. Fiscally irresponsible purchase of the day: 2 lavender bushes, 2 rosemary bushes, 1 bag of soil, forgot extra pots, and 1 raspberry plant for the roomie that drove me to pick everything up because they've wanted one for 3 years now. They were somehow still surprised by it.
5 months ago 1
[Movies] Due to heatwave, there is no brain to be had. Finally catching up on my summer scary movies list and X was just a good start to it. Pearl is next and if it’s half as good the MaXXXine is going to be something to see in theatre and a good end to the series.
5 months ago 8
When it’s so hot out all you want to do is scream as you melt into the sidewalk...
5 months ago 2
Best time to have the work AC break down is definitely in the middle of a heat wave. Love this for us (coworkers and I).
5 months ago 45
Finally got my backside down to the beach by work for the first time in forever. Totally on a whine so I can do nothing but look. Not the prettiest beach but definitely one that gets a lot less traffic than the rest.

Small pic dump below.
5 months ago 9
To-Do List
- Figure out where to app in August
- Work on said apps
- ???
- Profit