0Friends 4Fans
male Omaha, NE, United States
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
On break at Noodles and JakeFoxx waltzed into GameStop. It's a small world after all. :3
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
Going to work. Be back in about 8 hours.
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
Why is today yellow?
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
Night world. I did indeed have a happy birthday. :-D
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
Everyone wishing me a happy birthday makes me happy! :-D
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
I am compelled to do what it is I am currently doing. Those who read this will later understand the vague of vague.
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
Let the Google Doodle sit still, then switch between a tab and then back to the Google tab. :-D
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
As Ellis would put it, "Well PISS!" Sparkplay Media went out of business. eartheternal was a fun game, RIP.
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
Leaving school. I hope Case-Mate will make a model guard for the iPod touch 4g soon, because I refuse to touch mine until it is covered.
WeepinAngel says
14 years ago
Well, today turned out to be a grand day! Hung out with all my family, David and Luke. KOBE STEAKHOUSE goodness, and the iPod touch 4G 32GB.