so bad at counting the date!! Peter!!today is not 24th!! but 23th!! fortunately, he gets one day more to prepare the Chirstmas Eve...
doesn't want to move his eyes from window! white belgium!!!!!!!!!!it's fantastic to see it from window. waiting for snow ball!!
completely satisfied at the recent Beglium weather, around 0 deg and with sunshine!! it feels so good to breeze the chill.
astonished at the huge disgusting rat in our kitchen! It was trying to get in the trashcan! terrible!
今天做了豆乳西蘭花 和 醬瓜!! 期待明天中午
tasted a fantastic fish with creamy white sauce from Bosemans! His neighbor is a geniue in this!
rejoicing, for he sucessfully made the soy milk yesterday. It tastes so good, very smiliar to what he drank in TW
rejoicing!! for the computer in Imec supports the Chinese input now!!
happy about his 20kg grand package has arrived at Leuven. He found shipping is so fast and cheap!
all my God! Herman Van Rompuy (the new president of European Council) is an alumni from KUL!!!