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XiaOzHenG thinks
15 years ago
The world is really retarded. :-o
XiaOzHenG loves
15 years ago
XiaOzHenG loves
15 years ago
Clubbing... sleeping... (woot)
XiaOzHenG wants
15 years ago
:-Dmy dear can love me for the rest of my life, just like what I am feeling for him.
XiaOzHenG hopes
15 years ago
我想多读点英文..我英文好烂. =(
XiaOzHenG says
15 years ago
I will open new blog. 拭目以待. (LOL)
XiaOzHenG says
15 years ago
Let me keep long hair. :-o
XiaOzHenG wonders
15 years ago
Sometimes life just like smell shit. Dun like it? go and die! want to stay on? Bear with it. (woot)
XiaOzHenG feels
15 years ago
Why NeEd to qUarrel Over sUch a SmAll Issue. =( Hais..