13Friends 42Fans
female Anaheim, CA, United States
Professional intuitive advisor, aura reader, spiritual counselor, reiki master, crystal healing therapist.

Magnet of joy, health and wealth. YES!
YayHeaven says
15 years ago 1
YayHeaven thinks
15 years ago
the weather here could stand to be a bit cooler. I'm afraid to see the upcoming A/C bill after the last couple of days of heat. 0.0
YayHeaven says
15 years ago 3
good morning
YayHeaven is
15 years ago
craving a midnight snack.
YayHeaven thinks
15 years ago 3
karma up! up! up! go up!
YayHeaven says
15 years ago 4
oh lordy! my karma is dropping faster than a mans pants in a whorehouse!
YayHeaven is
15 years ago
pooped. (sleeping)
YayHeaven is
15 years ago 12
getting ready for some heavy duty questing on WoW.
YayHeaven is
15 years ago 5
getting tired of the same food over and over again. I need a personal chef.