龍奉宮(普陀山) Karma: 60.14
not stating / other
- 南投縣, 南投市, Taiwan
塵⊿百合最能清心安神 Karma: 103.30
not stating / other
- Kaohsiung, Taiwan
狼菓子 Karma: 63.96
not stating / other
- Arendelle, Taiwan
咪嚕 Karma: 0.00
- Taipei, Taiwan
((( ))) Karma: 91.40
not stating / other
- Taiwan
燁冥戒糖🐧🪼 Karma: 146.24
- The Kingdom of BiBi, Taiwan
黑帶牌防狼噴霧 Karma: 10.65
not stating / other
- Taipei, Taiwan