37Friends 47Fans
male Colorado Springs, CO, United States
Animus Invidious is a multi-genre solo musician. His primary instrument is the acoustic guitar, which was his first real foray into the worlds of song-craft when he picked it up and was hooked at age 16. He also plays a miscellaneous assortment of ot
a_invi is
12 years ago
New free EP released 12/12/12! animusinvidious.bandcamp...
a_invi is
12 years ago
If i could change two things about myself, it would be my inconsistency with numbers.
a_invi is
12 years ago
haven't been posting here as much since no longer using the auto-posting thing thru ping.fm. still can't find a site that posts to ALL
a_invi says
13 years ago
just saw a shooting star on my drive home from work `=]~
a_invi says
13 years ago
There are very few things in life more satisfying than creating sounds which cause people to dance!
a_invi says
13 years ago
pixelpipe stopped supporting ping.fm and fucked up my whole auto-posting network thingie. So i guess i have to choose between ping
a_invi says
13 years ago
Guitar lesson down!
a_invi says
13 years ago
Instead of waiting for a happy ending, act for a happy beginning!
a_invi says
13 years ago
ping.fm/r3eg8 Remix i did of a sick Phat Kid song