Yang berskala internasional malah bisa ngikutin tapi yg lokal kok kagak ya? Dunia yg aneh.
I ALWAYS available when people need me. When I need them, none. That's why I'm so independent.
I love her, sing her a song, hug her (or even kiss her). It doesn’t mean you can put a label on me. (aahh112ni, 2012)
Fire's th rapid oxidation of a material in the chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, & various reaction products. Wikipedia
V clip & song "Colbie Caillat - Fallin' For You" is totally my story. Remains me of someone and something.
Takdir Tuhan thdpku. Aku bukanlah perempuan yg mudah jatuh cinta. Sekali cinta, butuh waktu lama untuk melupakan.
HNY. Dear friends who's born in 1987, you (we)'re gonna b 25 years old, 1 quarter century. WHOT Old enough 2b ALAYERS & do kiddie things.
Thanks for the Calvin Klein. What an expensive gift. XOXO
Hodoh....lesbong ini serius banget ngejar2 gw. Baik, perhatian, & romantis pula. Andai saja dia lelaki, pasti udah dijadiin pacar dh.