15Friends 66Fans
female Willows, CA, United States
I like music, socializing and have fun! Interested in the field of Law.
abigaeljane is
12 years ago 1
“Those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.
― Bernard M. Baruch”
abigaeljane is
12 years ago
Different Types of Mesothelioma and Treatment Options www.squidoo.com/differen...
abigaeljane is
12 years ago
When u look @me & smile it's like for a split second everything stops & ur smile pierces thru all of the bad in my life & all is well again.
abigaeljane is
12 years ago 4
Car Accident Lawyer NJ bit.ly/L3LGfd
abigaeljane is
12 years ago
Why File for Bankruptcy? tiny.cc/7gd5fw
abigaeljane says
12 years ago
Speeding Accident: The Importance of Speed Limit
abigaeljane says
12 years ago
Your mistakes do not define you.
abigaeljane says
12 years ago
Your mistakes do not define YOU.
abigaeljane says
12 years ago
Airline Negligence: The Causes of Accident ping.fm/7tZxg
abigaeljane says
12 years ago
They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.