2Friends 4Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
aclo 分享
9 years ago 2
to Paul Walker, a good man: A Tribute to Paul Walker
aclo 想要
9 years ago 3
等撐完作業把晴明第二集當禮物犒賞自己 (woot)
aclo 覺得
9 years ago 1
grateful that my friend returned home safely
aclo 分享
9 years ago 9
An old post from CNN - It is a lie that people don't take shower during the 15 days of Spring Festival!
aclo 分享
9 years ago
is also a good movie - Thanks to those brave people for they have made this country and this world a much better place to live in!
aclo 分享
9 years ago 1
Wife: I am so proud of you, and I can not say it enough because I know how hard you fought to come back to us - from American Sniper
aclo 正在
11 years ago 3
restoring EVERYTHING
aclo 正在
13 years ago
13 years ago 3
First posts on plurk after months: I, too, sincerely and deeply wish Mr. Jobs and his family the best