Just got done doing a bunch of work on a certain website so I can upload it tomorrow without worrying about breaking it.
Kinda wondering why i dont have my PGP keys backed-up in my dropbox
Even though I hate working, being unemployed sucks so hard, It's mad boring.
I want to frame this Win7 poster that came in the kit lol.
Just installed Microsoft Security Essentials and it made me verify dropbox.exe, achievement unlocked: first?
For the first time since Win98SE all of my installs of Windows are legit. It's a weird feeling.
Wow, no WDDM drivers for most of the Intel GMA series. WTF Intel? Even my damn Radeon 9550 has WDDM drivers.
Is twee not working with twitpic for anyone else, or is it just me?
Windows7 is installing on the laptop now. I'd twitpic it but twitpic is being retarded.
Buzz words like Rock Star, Ninja, etc. in job postings make me want to nuke companies from orbital space.