49Friends 50Fans
female Lebak Bulus, Indonesia
Je serais peut-être pas aussi intelligent que vous, mais je suis une bonne personne.
Et les bonnes choses arrivent aux bonnes personnes! :-)
15 years ago 1 - baru buat. pindah dari plurk hehehehe
Amanda is
15 years ago
back from Bandung
Amanda is
15 years ago 1
males setengah mati ngeplurk lagi -_-
Amanda is
15 years ago
going to Bandung (heart)
Amanda loves
15 years ago
that Dewi & Caca are at my home and we're laughing our asses off (heart)
Amanda loves
15 years ago
her holiday plans (heart)
Amanda wants
15 years ago
to watch all of the DVDs yang dibeli kemaren
Amanda loves
15 years ago
her fluffy bed more than anything in the whole wide world (heart)
Amanda loves
15 years ago
the quote 'Talkers are no good doers'. Thya is awesome :-)
Amanda loves
15 years ago 2
scuba diving! (dance)