here's a step to moving on....
im sorry.... please end up my begging u...
tHiS Day iS A VeRy mEmOrAbLe dAY!!! tHaNk yOu j2cW2!!!
Kira NatsumeJimuel YapJom Jumg missing in action => Weah LoU!!
but UnTiL Now,, Its yOu WhO RuLeD My hEaRt.. He iS My fRiEnD,, WhO HeLpEd mE UnPaCkInG ThE mEmOrIeS ThAt u lEfT bEhInD In My heArT.
He tOoK CaRe oF mE,, EVeN wHen i wAs hUrTiNg hIm , eAcH tImE I CrY WhIlE TelLiNg HiM OuR StOrY.. oUr SwEeT LiFe tHAt tUrNeD SoUr..
I KnOw i sAiD It wOuLdNt bE HiM,, BuT WhEnEvEr i nEeD SoMeOnE ,, He's tHeRe eVeN WiThOuT mE AsKiNg
iM tRYiNg So haRd tO fOrGeT My fEeLiNgS...
To forgive n forget is the highest,n most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace of happiness.