almost clueless
10Friends 6Fans
female Pittsburgh, PA, United States
I RP in memes (mostly bakerstreet.dreamwidth) and PSLs.

Currently: Aziraphale (Good Omens)

Jim Moriarty (BBC Sherlock)
Cloud Strife, Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7)
Light Yagami, Mello (Death Note)
Khan (Star Trek: Into Darkness)
almost clueless
6 years ago 5
Due to good-but-exhausting RL adulting responsibilities I will not be attempting to keep up with my modest little plurk timeline. I will be happy to reply to any private messages!
almost clueless
6 years ago
OMG, I thought this only happened in typing class... Again, I am easily amused. Bwahaha!
almost clueless
6 years ago 1
Badass Animals Who Don’t Care About Your Stupid Rule... I am so easily amused by this kind of thing. XD
almost clueless
6 years ago 14
[RP] (state thereof?)
almost clueless
6 years ago
[rp] Is it still tagvana if you owe someone a top-level?
almost clueless
6 years ago 18
"40 plurks have new responses." Whoa, I was only gone RL-ing for 18 hours and I follow less than 20 people.
almost clueless
6 years ago 5
Summer shedding dog combing: lazy me tries to catch up.
almost clueless
6 years ago 12
The Wife's pet fish died this morning so I got her a new one.
almost clueless
6 years ago 24
Ahahaha RL is such an adventure!
almost clueless
6 years ago 6
[RL] Red tape sucks! (I realize that this is not news)