11Friends 77Fans
male Lincoln, NE, United States
purveyor of fine goods at
almostcool shares
14 years ago
HELLO.AVI is it me you're looking for?
almostcool shares
14 years ago
Merry Christmas Plurkers! Mega64: Aggressive Caroling (2003)
almostcool shares
15 years ago
MC Trebek MASHUP (Tronovitch remix) hahahahaha
almostcool shares
15 years ago 4
note to self, post this in the work IRC tomorrow - scroll to footer of page to see why
almostcool shares
15 years ago
Nebraskas 8 turnovers vs iowa state i totally called this
almostcool shares
15 years ago 4
There goes the TV... and there goes the tennis racquet! (and tv)
almostcool shares
15 years ago
Super Mario Proposal ahhhh
almostcool shares
15 years ago 4 i kind of want this shirt
almostcool shares
15 years ago
Auto-Tune the News #9: Nobel. health care. United Nations. i keep track for you.
almostcool shares
15 years ago 5
Blame it on alcohol.... this dude is an epic drunk