1Friends 4Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
amee817 says
15 years ago
天啊,這幾天忽然間所有事情一併而來,弄得我很忙碌,不過卻感到久違的充實感跟滿足感!也不知道自己哪冒來的衝勁,不錯不錯~繼續努力 (LOL)
15 years ago
shouts: dat's right! keep fightinGU! keep that fearless positive attitude goin' and good things will come to me^^ ;-)
amee817 says
15 years ago
TGIF!! but sad for the blank weekend coming up
amee817 loves
15 years ago
the Fendi peekaboo bag and is aiming at the PM Goyard St. Louis, but can't decide on the colour... :-))
15 years ago
amee817 is
15 years ago
dozing off @ work on a Tues morning. :-&
amee817 says
15 years ago
ok nevermind i got it... hah~
amee817 wonders
15 years ago 3
why i cant post up any writeups
15 years ago
's first day at Plurk