Camille. Ü
116Friends 215Fans
female Ozamiz City, Philippines
Camille. Just call me that.
I'm friendly. Don't worry I don't bite! XD

Taylor Swift-You Belong With Me
Camille. Ü
15 years ago 4
Camille. Ü
15 years ago 1
deplurk na aku. bye nah ! :-))
Camille. Ü
15 years ago 6
*kain tau*
Camille. Ü
15 years ago
`snack tau. ;-)`
Camille. Ü
15 years ago
`I miss plurk. hahaha. long time no plurk. so hows plurk?`
Camille. Ü
15 years ago 1
Who has facebook? add me okay? :-)
Camille. Ü
15 years ago 1
deplurk (bye)
Camille. Ü
15 years ago 9
**A**BCD**E**FGHIJK**L**MNOPQRSTUVW**X**YZ i love you :-D assemble it into a name, guess who he is . :-)
Camille. Ü
15 years ago 3
**it hurts to get hurt** *tama ?
Camille. Ü
15 years ago
`KARMA DOWN . **20.45 :-(