Hello 2023, you have been kind to me so far. After all these years, won't have to face this year alone.
That it's going to be rewarding, that it's going to be the best feeling ever. And that I will finally rest in peace, knowing that I did right by someone.
And yet I'm still hoping for this quixotic dream: One day, someone's going to give back all the care, time, and effort I gave for everyone else.
Hello 2022. Definitely in a much different place now. And yet I find myself doing the same things that end up burning me out.
Man. So. Hi. I'm close to yet another breakdown. But. It hasn't been all that bad... right?
Somebody end me lmao. I'm done.
I thought you would stand up against this hatred with me. I trusted you. I became vulnerable to you at a time when I thought I never would. And yet the wounds open up yet again.
I cannot agree to what they were doing. Kowtowing to what is clearly seeds of hate and discord towards other people. There comes a time when one should stand against hatred. Against injustice. Against bigotry and stupidity.
Yet another place where I realize that I don't belong. Another place where I am ostracized. This time, it hurts more because this was a place I called my second family.
People I loved were affected due to this pandemic. One died. The other died in spirit. And I think my spirit is about to give up again.