yea! my karma is 0.07 today. That's the first time I've EVER logged in and had it be positive.
his fellow Plurkers to give him 3 good reasons why Plurk is better/different than Twitter...
how I will ever get my Karma to stay above 0.00 for longer than 10 minutes...
Who is giving good Plurk?
the fact that he keeps losing the few "karma" points that he's managed to build up.
the fact that I don't have enough fans to reply to him when he tweets... errr, plurks... kinda feels like I'm plurking into thin air
twhirl should add "Plurk" functionality...
a little confused as to why he has Karma one day and then it goes to "0" the next. Guess I need to use more...
plurking off right now... whatever that means
up with his 1 year old daughter (bedgrudgingly)