176Friends 101Fans
female Danao, Philippines
10 years ago
gOod mOrning :-)
10 years ago
gOod aftErnOon :-)
10 years ago
If I hate you the way I say I do, why does my heart stop when I look in your eyes :-(
atEh8 says
10 years ago
LunchiEeee :-)
atEh8 says
10 years ago
gOod mOrning :-)
atEh8 says
10 years ago
gOod mOrning. .
atEh8 says
10 years ago
at some poiNt, you have to realize that some people can stay in your HEART but not in your LIFE. .
atEh8 says
10 years ago
Sometimes people are beautiful, not in looks. Just in the way they are. .
atEh8 says
10 years ago
oHHhh stOmach achE! :'-(
atEh8 says
10 years ago
rEmind yOur sElf that it's okay nOt tO bE perfect. .