18Friends 10Fans
male Talisay, Philippines
Im a human with a kind heart! I do like to have friends !!

aynsteinz has
15 years ago
:'-(a lot of problems right now!! HELP!!
aynsteinz says
15 years ago
no more tagai! (goodluck)
aynsteinz says
15 years ago
GUD MORniNg EVErYONE! (dance)
aynsteinz will
15 years ago
go to sleep! (bye)
aynsteinz will
15 years ago
eat now his breakfast! (hungry)
aynsteinz is
15 years ago 1
signing out! (bye)
aynsteinz thinks
15 years ago 28
he's HOT! B-)
aynsteinz thinks
15 years ago 9
its Better to cheat thaN to REPEAT! (goodluck)
aynsteinz feels
15 years ago 40
soooooooooo depressed!! (tears)
aynsteinz says
15 years ago 17
my baby is (sick)