6Friends 15Fans
male Japan
chemistry,グルメ(online review),OLED(有機EL), organic semiconductors,wine(ワイン),RDBMS(MySQL,PostgreSQL,SQL Server),概論,Ruby on Rails,民法,condensed matter(物性物理),reinforcement learning(強化学習),nanotechnology。ex-tabelog(〜2008/06)
ayucat thinks
13 years ago 1
almost 3 yrs past after joining this social tool Plurk
ayucat thinks
13 years ago
ayucat thinks
13 years ago
ayucat starts to increase Karma again here...
ayucat feels
15 years ago 2
Plurk is too complicated to use everyday frequently (I may compare with Twitter or similar services)
15 years ago
ayucat hates
15 years ago
to miss the last trains. tonight I missed that again... when went to the club.
ayucat feels
15 years ago
today's DJs are not so good...
ayucat is
15 years ago
sad that we lost the game finally. but it was a good game and all of us enjoyed it.
ayucat is
15 years ago
15 years ago
(Plurk) oh no my karma is decreasing 41.19 X-(