22Friends 33Fans
female Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
I love Music, Dancing, Designing, Photography, Camping, Going online, Shopping, hanging out with friends, Leo PJI, Church and many many more!!!
Beatrice is
15 years ago
going to sleep now
Beatrice is
15 years ago
very very tired and lazy
Beatrice needs
15 years ago
to study now!
Beatrice feels
15 years ago
very tired
Beatrice feels
15 years ago
very tired of plurking already
Beatrice wants
15 years ago
to watch the memorial again
Beatrice feels
15 years ago
very sad for MJ's Family
Beatrice feels
15 years ago
like cancelling my plurk account
Beatrice thinks
15 years ago
karma is dropping like shit
Beatrice hopes
15 years ago
i'll do go during my test later