12Friends 41Fans
male Somewhere, IL, United States
I'm a father of 3 who happens to write a few blogs. Here are a couple of them.
beagooddad says
14 years ago
I'm starting a Daily Get Writing Motivational Email newsletter and would love some help spreading the word. Thanks.
beagooddad says
14 years ago
Reading: Boy with autism saves choking friend
beagooddad says
14 years ago
crap. i think that i am at 79.56% after the final. i think he mentioned something about a curve at one point but never heard any details.
beagooddad says
14 years ago
don't have time but ran 2 miles anyway. now to get ready to take one of my finals later tonight.
beagooddad says
14 years ago
Finished another test. 2 finals and 1 homework left. Looks like I should get a B in each class unless I choke on the finals.
beagooddad says
14 years ago
commercial just reminded me to not use a dirty catheter. homework's done. time for bed.
beagooddad says
14 years ago
does not feel like doing the homework i have to do tonight
beagooddad says
14 years ago 3
Finished the half marathon right around 1:48:20. 8:17ish/mile. Very tired but feel good. Now where's the food.
beagooddad says
14 years ago 1
2.1 miles - 18:10 - depending on weather tomorrow this might have been last run before half marathon on sun.
beagooddad says
14 years ago
i was thinking i needed to get a little busier. the 3 1/2 hour commute each day for the next 11 work days out to take care of that.