26Friends 9Fans
female Sta. Ana, Philippines
add me :-)
YM - chia_o11,
FS - [email protected],
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beatriz11 says
15 years ago
long time no plurk :-)
beatriz11 says
15 years ago
goodmorning :-D
beatriz11 says
15 years ago
HAPPY 18th BiRTHDAY KATRINA GUADA P. LOJO :-D (dance) (LOL) (wave) :-)
beatriz11 is
15 years ago
just updating :-D
beatriz11 is
15 years ago
updating :-D
beatriz11 is
15 years ago
out. (wave)
beatriz11 says
15 years ago
goodnight to everyone :-)
15 years ago
harry potter marathon (LOL) Love it :-) (dance)
beatriz11 loves
15 years ago
saturdays :-) it means no classes tom :-D
beatriz11 is
15 years ago
is vacant for 3 hours :-( walang prof 1st subject. the hell! audtion mode muna (LOL)