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male Earth/Milky Way/Universe, The Wet Coast, Canada
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19 hours ago 5
Yuck! Bleh! Just walked into a spider web strung across my front porch. Spider webbing on my face.
20 hours ago 4
Has a lunch date with his former telephone company colleagues. We used have about 30 people come out to these. We are down to 6 to 8 people now. Some have died, some have moved away, others just don’t want to, or have time to hang out with us anymore.
Yesterday 2
Good morning! I woke up. It's still dark so going back to bed (ninja)
Yesterday 6
Did a final fitting, had it pressed and brought home his fitted suit.
Yesterday 3
RC airplane with no control surfaces (NGAD).NGAD First Flights with NO Control Surfaces!
Yesterday 2
My dad successfully got his sugar levels down to below 7. A couple of weeks ago, he was in the 11’s and 12’s. He asked me to bring him a Diet Coke the next time I go visit him (unsure)
Yesterday 5
Good morning! Today, I'm wearing my invisible watch.
2 days ago 5
Weather report said 0 chance of rain today. So I did some house maintenance, sealed gutter gaps and cleaned out the rain barrow. I finished while it was raining. (annoyed)
2 days ago 4
Good morning. I stayed up late last night to watch the full moon,this year’s super moon, and a lunar eclipse. A triple event night. :-)). Glad I got to sleep in this morning. Hope you plurkies are having a great day.