1Friends 3Fans
male Guangzhou, China
bigjac will
15 years ago
go out for lunch today.
bigjac says
15 years ago
bigjac feels
15 years ago
relaxing! Since it's weekend now!
bigjac says
15 years ago
in my circle of friend, there are only a very few people using SNS such as twitter, plurk, facebook except
bigjac says
15 years ago
友买了房子,84/115,对我来说是天文数字了。至少我连打对折的都买不起…… :-P
bigjac says
15 years ago
我的plurk比twitter更少人……实际上就只是自然自语ing。 :-( :-(
15 years ago
cancel the twitter sync, since I wanna differentiate plurk from twitter.
bigjac says
15 years ago tweet from plurk was followed by a link.
bigjac feels
15 years ago
so good! Plurk can sync with twitter!
bigjac wants
16 years ago
update plurk in twhirl!!