9Friends 13Fans
male Edmonton, AB, Canada
biocross wishes
16 years ago 2
Ps3 controllers finished charging at some point
biocross thinks
16 years ago 5
WilliamShakespeare is awesome.
biocross thinks
16 years ago 17
that people that post spoilers without thinking that not everyone sees things at the same time are selfish jerks.
biocross is
16 years ago 1
downloading Firefox 3 and supporting their world record, you should too! www.spreadfirefox.com/en...
biocross is
16 years ago
glad about firefoxes ability to prevent him from seeing the add with the little girl with the messed up lip ever again.
biocross is
16 years ago
outraged at this www.thestar.com/sciencet... and hopes someone will bring down this shitty goverment before they get it in.
biocross says
16 years ago 1
Magical super rocket ship a go. All aboard!
biocross wants
16 years ago 5
a good poem
biocross wants
16 years ago 15
to go grocery shopping today, whee!
biocross asks
16 years ago 10
18 Karma? FFS where is my dancing banananananana? X-(