Really left plurk outta my life... XD my karma must be under 100 XDDD
My pc is totally screwing with me... T.T
[read] 6 months of xxxholic manga in 2 hours... i'm in abstinence again XDDD
Finally out of homework... Now hunting for my Vampire Princess (The cheesy-me attacks again...)
Showing my brother what is plurk XD (i needed something not cheesy to say, sorry XD)
Damn Isadora Linux... Damn CD reader of mine... all day trying to install it and it keeps kicking me T.T
Plurking from MSN: XD Installing Isadora Linux on my brother's laptop XDD
I have a fan *-* Aguuusss <3 XD (IDK in what language to post XD g'bye!)
Just discovered i could plurk from my msn o.o XDD now really going XD bye!